Pipedrive: The System That Will Help You Grow Your Firm While Working Less

Ben Weinstock
Customer Success- Bseller

You’ve been trying to grow your business for a while now. You’re tried all the traditional avenues, and seen some mixed results. Sure, your clients are happy to refer you to their friends and family, you ran some ads, and you’re constantly networking and seeking referrals from anywhere you can get. Some new clients are rolling in, but you want to reach more people. You finally tried a digital marketing campaign, and then boom! Your firm’s schedule is jam packed and your inbox is flooded with new clients you can’t even dream of fitting in. Your investment is paying off, but you aren’t positioned to be able to capitalize on this opportunity for growth. 

These are good problems to have! There is some good news and great solutions coming your way if you read on. 

What is Pipedrive? 

Pipedrive is a leading CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system that can be used to manage incoming leads, filter them based on custom criterias, automate responses and even automatically schedule an introduction meeting without you having to do anything. You keep the quantity but spend your time only with the quality! For example, a lead could answer a few questions on an online form to make sure that you are the right lawyer for them, and provided that you are, a phone call could be scheduled using Pipdrive’s scheduler & “calendar sync” features. You now have calls booked with relevant leads, and all this could be happening while you are handling other paying customers. 

Pipedrive is also used to create a visual sales “pipeline” which is one of the most useful tools when managing new leads. Pipedrive uses proven sales strategies to help you break down the sales process and keep track of all the actions that need to be completed for a deal to go through. When you are dealing with a large volume of new deals, it’s important to know exactly where each deal stands and what activities you need to complete to keep the ball rolling. 

An example of a Pipedrive “pipeline” for lawyers


How can Pipedrive Help You? 

This is an example of a Pipedrive pipeline. Your leads can even be automatically added to the relevant stage, so you won’t have to manually upload. You can also automate tasks like generating and sending invoices, or following up on unanswered emails, which will save you even more time and allow you to do more calls, and give more attention to your new clients. As your business grows, you’ll need to stay organized and efficient and Pipedrive is designed exactly for that. 

Once your client base expands, and your firm begins to grow, you’ll have a large influx of new information that you’ll need to store. The Pipedrive system can be used to map the organizations the firm is working with, and centralize all the relevant data and communication history with various stakeholders. This will help you give your clients the best possible legal services, and will build higher levels of trust as they see that you are always speaking from a place of confidence. As accounts are added, it’s important to eliminate human error and unnecessary paperwork, and to also provide your team with easily accessible information about these accounts. 

Pipedrive is also easily customizable and can be adjusted to fit the unique needs of your firm. This personalization will allow you to create a workflow that best supports your team, and frees them to give more of their time and attention to the new clients that are rolling in. Pipedrive can also generate personal and team reports and forecasts, to give you a thorough understanding of exactly where you and your firm stand and where you are going at the current rate. This will help you set realistic targets and monitor results as your firm continues to expand. 

Expanding your business is definitely exciting, but it can also be stressful and confusing. Implementing the Pipedrive CRM can help give you a strong sense of control and influence while making this a smooth process. It all comes down to enabling your firm to maximize the new opportunities that come your way. Pipedrive is designed to be an intuitive CRM that is easy to use and implement. Companies that use Pipedrive see an average ROI (return on investment) of over 700%. The small step of beginning to use Pipedrive can be the first big step to achieving your business goals, growing your firm and expanding your client base. 

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